
Basic know ledge

Participant job level above 65 (70+ is referred) and rank above 5
Participation time is Monday and Thursday 9:00 pm JP time
Participation is free
AF2 is acquired by consuming points
Relic weapon is free to cast lot
All currencies are collected by leader during the event

Point rules
Point are gained by participation Dynamis runs
*2P - if you wish to obtain an AF2
*2P - if you wish to cast lot on Synthesis Materials
*1P - if you wish to Dynamis currencies
*3P - 100% participation in a month
#Late participation will get 1P reduced

Point are reduced by obtaining AF2
*10P - if you obtain an AF2 successfully in San d'Oria,Bastok,windurst and jueno
*15P - if you wish obtain an AF2 succesfully inBeaucedine Glacier and Xarcabard
*20P - if you wish obtain an succesfully Accessories in new area's
*5P - if you wish obtain an AF2 Gradeup item's succesfully in new area's

How to obtain AF2s
1st Choice
Before entry Dynamis run all participants must write down AF2 choices in the Search
Comment to gain the lotting right.
*Participants with the highest points have the right to cast lot if particular AF2 is dropped.
*if multiple of same AF2s are dropped, participant who is in next pasition will get drop.
Your total points will be halved if you change your 1st choice job.

2nd Choice
If an AF2 dropped but not in anyone's 1st choice list, all participations whose 2nd
choice is this will has the right to cast lot and winner getsit.
in each month participatns can winning 2nd choice AF2 for free, but points
will be reduced as 1st choice AF2 if obtain ore.
Participants can add job to AF2 2nd choices list once that job level is above 65

Free lot
If an AF2 is dropped but no one wants it particulaly, then it is a free lot to all
participants and winner will get it.
Points will not be reduced by obtaining free lot AF2.

Dynamis Cerrency
In each run cerrencies are collected by leader.
At the end of event leader will count total number of currencies and -25 for the
Time Glass purchase free.
Participants whose choice is money will get [(total-25)/participants of money(currency)choice]

100 unis currencies dropped in each run ar also collected and kept by leader.
This money will be use to reward for participants who has 100% attendence for that
month, and am ount will be (100*N= 100% attemdance participants) #N is the number of 100

Participation rules
If you know you going to be late, e-mail leader write message on BBS before the

Equip LS pearl and do not /anon

Bazzer your time glass for 1 Gil after enter dynamis.
Team work is important, stay with your leader and /assist your team assigned tank.


Change of the first choice and the addition of the second choice cannot be performed during D advance.

#If you don't understand any of the above information, plaese ask leader and don't
know judge it by your own understanding.

writed by Bloodsin